Epiphany is when the Holy Kings realise that Jesus is the saviour, is what they have been waiting for.
Initially they were meant to go back to the emperor and tell him the whereabouts of Jesus. Instead the realisation of what had happened, transformed them and they changed their journey. At Epiphany we remember that transformative journey, and how they spread the word across the world.
Because good news becomes really only very good when its shared. Every year we mark that sharing and blessing of us all, but remembering the journey of the three holy kings, remembering that God’s presence will be amongst us all at all given times. The writing changes each year, and as we write, we say a prayer -
20 + K + M + B + 25
“The three wise men K Kaspar M Melchior B and Balthasar followed the star of God’s Son who became man: 20 two thousand 25 and twenty five years ago. + + May Christ bless our home + + and remain with us through the year. Amen.”